Kyle Hyde |
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- "Hell, I got nowhere to be and nothing better to do. You hear me, Bradley? This is it. This is what I'll be doing until I find you..."
Kyle Hyde is the protagonist of the Kyle Hyde Saga, consisting of the two games Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and Last Window: The Secret of Cape West.
In the series, he appears as a bitter ex-detective who works as a salesman for the company, Red Crown. Kyle comes across numerous mysteries that turn out to have connections to incidents of his own interest in most cases. Solving them requires the otherwise not as sociable man to investigate the lives of various people.
Kyle stands at 6'0" (≈ 1.83 m) and has a slim but sturdy build. Kyle has brown hair, dark gray eyes and a goatee style beard. Players can be easily fooled that he has blonde hair in Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and the sequel because it looks very bright when it turns monochrome. His beard may have been done to replicate the beard of Satoshi Okubo, the composer for Hotel Dusk and Last Window, who had a beard similar to Kyle's.
In Hotel Dusk, Kyle wears a "Red Crown" jacket, along with a white dress shirt, a black tie, gray pants and black dress shoes. In Last Window: Secret of Cape West, he has a black suit and looks more thin. This suit is mentioned in the previous game by Louis DeNonno, who comments on the fact he is not wearing it.

An example of Kyle's attitude.
During Hotel Dusk: Room 215, Kyle is a serious and collected man, usually being a non-impressionable person in general. He is often very sarcastic and impatient when it comes to listening to people's problems. He can also make some blunt and insensitive comments from time to time, offending people like Iris such as when he tells her to "Talk, dammit!" He doesn't like nosy people, despite ironically being quite nosy himself sometimes. He prefers to keep his past private to the point Rachel and other people dub him a "man of mystery". He is portrayed to be lazy as well, which comes back to bite him.
Due to the mysterious incident with Bradley, he shows certain sense of feeling lost, but always keeps his mind focused on discover the truth about it. While he presents a gruff and cavalier exterior, he drops all pretense when something grabs his attention. He then becomes very tenacious, even mischievous when he does things such as snooping around places people like Dunning and Mags disprove of him being in. He is very good at lying, being able to come up with them on the spot. This could be due to his time as a detective and possible undercover work.

Kyle being strict with Melissa.
He can be strict around disobedient children such as Melissa, a little girl living in the hotel. He also doesn't take the teenage Jeff Angel very seriously and severely lectures him about his actions.
He also has destructive habits. It is suggested drinking is one of his vices, as in the beginning of the game, Ed asks, "Hung over again, eh?" after Kyle mentions he has a headache. His habits lead him to getting fired by Ed in Last Window, as well as struggling to pay his rent. He also seems to lack some life motivation, possibly due to mild depression, and he feels his Red Crown job is "miserable". It is possible he is still not quite over past events like his girlfriend's death and what happened with Bradley.
Kyle may not be into religion or be someone of faith, as he never brings up God or aspects such as prayer during confrontations with people, which often dive into moral topics. This is made even more peculiar due to Kyle growing up in America in the 1940s-50s, in an era when most people overwhelmingly identified as Christian. However, the extent of Kyle's beliefs or non-beliefs are never really made clear, though his apparent lack of comments suggests some apathy.
Despite his serious attitude, Kyle is a person with a strong sense of justice, often getting involved in resolving certain problems and mysteries, even after he left his life of a being a full-detective. Back then, Kyle was stated to be calm, commanding and meticulous.
He can feel empathetic to other people, although it doesn't often show through with his abrasive personality. A good example is when he sought out a Christmas tree from the Hotel Dusk storage room for Melissa, who had missed the holiday due to her father's grief. He is also caring towards Mila and at the end of the game, he lets her come with him to Los Angeles. Louis also mentions Kyle only falls for women with "issues" and says he had a whacked-out lover, suggesting he finds people with burdens compelling and may hint at Kyle's desire to help someone in need.
In Last Window: The Secret of Cape West, after resolving the case about Bradley and now being placed in a more personal adventure, Kyle shows a more calm and even compassionate personality than before. He listens to other people's problems very often and does his best efforts to remediate the problems within the Cape West tenants. He's shown to have certain mixed feelings about his father's past and he questioned his mother about it, saying "Why did you fall in love with a man like him?". In general, he shows a more sympathetic and relatable side of him, usually remembering events of his past as he listens to other people, like with Marie Rivet, who reminded him of his mother the day he left his home, where she told him that she was strong by herself and she could handle it alone. Even with "conflictive" people like Will White, Dylan and even Margaret Patrice, he shows attempts to keep them out of legal problems.
He enjoys tasty food, often taking time before eating to look over his meal and describe it to himself in an internal monologue. He prefers mayonnaise over other seasonings. He rarely makes attempts to cook for himself, however, often eating at the diner in the Cape West apartment building, so much so he has a regular table. He highly enjoys Cool Pop, as he secretly likes the feeling of the fizzy bubbles, even hinting at a possible addiction. Despite this, he doesn't want to purchase it frequently, because the drink makes him feel somewhat childish. Coincidentally, he was also worked part-time for a Cool Pop delivery company with one of his friends named Billy, possibly because of his fondness of the drink. He likes his coffee black, with two pieces of sugar.

He likes Jazz music and during his youth he dreamed of becoming a sax player after playing the instrument, before an accident made it impossible. The accident involved Hyde stopping a friend that was going too fast on a bike, causing damage to his fingers and preventing him from playing the saxophone again.
Kyle has an special affinity for rooftops of buildings, two of the reasons for that is from the memory of waiting for his mother to come home when he was a kid and the memory of chasing a criminal on a rooftop during his detective days.

Chris and Kyle.
Kyle Hyde was born in Los Angeles as the son of Chris and Jeanie Hyde. He was raised by both of them, usually his mother because his father was rarely at home. His father was killed when Kyle was nine years old. Jeanie and her son moved to New York as a way to move forward with their lives. He attended school there but had trouble communicating with his homeroom teacher and classmates, probably due to being affected by Chris' death emotionally but overtime, he opened up to them, presumably because Kyle started to feel comfortable around them.
As a child, he had learnt Morse code in the boy scouts and was a fan of Pinkie Rabbit.
When he was 16, he had a friend named Billy J. Coolidge who was 18. Kyle pretended he was 18 and got to work as a Cool Pop delivery man, despite that the job required people to be 18.
Plus, 16-year-old Kyle also found out that his father was a safe-cracker, thanks to Jeanie.
For Kyle's 17th birthday, Billy gave him a record that he was into at the time. It was a famous free jazz recording that many consider representative of the 1960s as a whole. Kyle became so completely fascinated by the sound of the saxophone on that record that he took all the money he'd saved up and bought a used alto sax, then started teaching himself how to play it. However, he wasn't able to play this instrument anymore because of an accident. The accident involved Hyde stopping a friend that was going too fast on a bike, causing damage to his fingers and preventing him from playing the alto sax, so Kyle gave up being a sax player.
When he was a university student, Kyle had bet his friends that he could swim all the way around Manhattan Island. He won that bet. He soon became on overnight campus sensation, the university's very own celebrity for that entire summer. And yet, Kyle never did any long-distance swimming ever again.
He had a girlfriend called Christine during his time at university as well. Unfortunately for her, she was struck by a stray bullet from a gun that had been tossed aside by a criminal during a police chase. She passed away while at a hospital due to the bullet wound.
In 1968, Kyle became a member of the New York City Police Department at the age of 22, having joined the 89th precinct. He had run-ins with Louis DeNonno for petty thieving.
In December, 1975, Kyle's partner and friend Brian Bradley went undercover to investigate a Manhattan-based crime syndicate known as Nile. A year later, he sold out the police and gave confidential police information to them.
On December 24th, 1976, when Kyle learned that Bradley was betraying the police department to Nile, he confronted Bradley at the docks and shot him, although no body was found in the river. Right after that, Kyle quit the police force, ending his eight years on the force, and moved to Los Angeles.
There, Kyle was employed as a traveling salesman by the company Red Crown. His boss, Ed Vincent, was already familiar with his father. Ed had a little side business finding things that don’t always want to be found, so Kyle helped out with this from time to time. Kyle was sure that Bradley survived, and so he didn't stop to track down his former partner.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215[]
During the events of Hotel Dusk: Room 215, which take place on December 28, 1979, Ed orders Kyle to drive to the Hotel Dusk, where he has to receive a package with the instructions.
In the hotel, Kyle meets many people that confront him with their own stories, and at the end he finds out the reason behind Bradley's act. It turns out that Bradley's sister Mila was taken hostage by the criminal organization Nile. As they threatened to kill Mila, Bradley followed Nile's instructions. However, they murdered Mila nonetheless.
Last Window: The Secret of Cape West[]
In Last Window: The Secret of Cape West, Kyle gets fired from Red Crown on December 18, 1980. He returns to the Cape West apartment building where he lives. There he finds a mysterious letter that tells him to find the Scarlet Star. During the course of the game, Kyle solves the mysteries behind his father's death.
Another Code: Recollection[]
A memo can be found in the adaptation of the first game, mentioning, "I can't help but wonder what sort of adventures Detective Kyle Hyde would have gotten up to had Thomas lived longer." This should not be mistaken as confirmation that the Hotel Dusk games are a fictional universe in the Another Code universe. It most likely simply means Kyle's parent(s) read Thomas' books, realized they share the surname Hyde, and decided to name their child after the character.
What seems to be Kyle can also be seen in the credits as a cameo, although his back is only seen and his face cannot be. He is wearing his Red Crown jacket as well. Kyle would be in his early 60s by this point, and it is notable that his hair is not gray or affected by baldness. Another possibility is that Kyle may have had a son who is wearing his jacket, similar to how Bob is the son of Cliff. The reason why the man is at Lake Juliet is unclear, it is possible that he heard of the place and decided to take a vacation there since it's a paradise spot.
Other media[]
Super Smash Bros. Brawl[]
Kyle appears as a trophy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl where he is unlocked by beating All-Star mode with every character. He also appears as an unlockable sticker, along with other Hotel Dusk characters. The description for Kyle's trophy is as follows:
"A former detective working as a salesman for Red Crown, a door-to-door sales company. Kyle also searches for any trace of his long-lost friend and colleague, Bradley. Although cool and suave, Kyle tends to let himself go in the midst of his obsessive behavior. The Red Crown president's secretary, Rachel, often gives him grief about his destructive habits."
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]
Kyle appears as a spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which uses art from Last Window: The Secret of Cape West. He is a Defense spirit.
The battle has the player facing against Snake. The stage is Fourside. The stage itself is possibly representing New York City or Los Angeles, the locations featured in Hotel Dusk and Last Window.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
- "I got myself a paperclip."
- "'Course I do. Don't underestimate adults, kid. We know things." (to Melissa)
- "Stop it. Stop! Stop crying, for Pete's sake. Wipe your face and listen up!" (to Melissa)
- "You never used a gun in your life. Oh sure, you imagined what it would be like. But you got no idea what it's like to pull the trigger. To take a life. You got no idea what it takes to bleed a man out and watch his light go." (to Jeff)
- "ENOUGH! I did NOT come to this hellhole just to hear you bleat like a damn sheep! You are going to tell me everything, and you are going to do it now. Do not make me ask twice." (to Jeff)
- "You're cute and all, but why would I do that? I have better things to do." (about taking Iris' photo)
- "What, you own this roof? Knock it off." (to Iris)
- "That's not my plan. There's nothing in it for me. And blackmail's a dangerous game that I won't play. I just want the truth." (to Summer)
- "Comes a day in every man's life when he realizes he's a fool." (to Kevin)
- "Mila knows that those truths are coming... But she can't stop looking. It'll hurt when she's done, but only for a bit. Then it's over and done with. But until she finds her old man, she's just going to go on hurting." (to Rosa)
Last Window
- "Dammit, I'm sick of the people in this building!" (to Betty)
- In Last Window, he has a blue suit and a purple suit in his closet. These are possible references to Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth from the Ace Attorney games, as Phoenix wears a blue suit while Edgeworth sports a purple suit (even though Edgeworth's suit is intended to be red, it's a red-purplish color in a few pieces of official artwork).
- Kyle and Ashley Robbins (the protagonist of the Another Code series) are both represented in the Super Smash Bros. series in similar ways.
- Both appear as unlockable trophies and stickers in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Both Kyle and Ashley's trophies have unique conditions that must be met, meaning both can only be obtained once. Additionally, both have a handful of stickers from their series, with Ashley having two stickers and Kyle having one.
- The stickers for Hotel Dusk are "Kyle Hyde", "Mila", and "Dunning Smith".
- The stickers for Another Code are "Ashley", "Ashley Viewing DAS", "Captain", and "Jessica".
- Both appear in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as advanced (two star) spirits, though Kyle is a primary spirit while Ashley is a support spirit. Both also appear as Light Realm spirit battles in the World of Light mode.
- Notably, Kyle and Ashley's spirits both use art from their most recent franchise entries (Another Code: R and Last Window respectively).
- Despite being released in Europe, Last Window: The Secret of Cape West isn't shown in text when displaying Kyle's spirit in the European version of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It only states that he is from Hotel Dusk: Room 215. Plus, it was not stated that he's from a particular series in the American and PAL version.
- Both appear as unlockable trophies and stickers in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Both Kyle and Ashley's trophies have unique conditions that must be met, meaning both can only be obtained once. Additionally, both have a handful of stickers from their series, with Ashley having two stickers and Kyle having one.
- In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Kyle's trophy is animated like it is in Hotel Dusk: Room 215[1] He is the only trophy in the entire Smash Bros. series to have any animation.
- The actor for Kyle was theorized by fans to be Geordie Dandy (Geordie D.) although he kept on denying this.[2][3] This theory is further busted by the fact that both games in the Kyle Hyde Saga use different template actors respectively, whose facial features do not match to Kyle's.
- Kyle's condition and whereabouts are currently unknown, specifically after the epilogue that was written down in the in-game novel for Last Window: The Secret of Cape West. There wasn't any sort of official answer until the director revealed that Kyle ended up happy in his story. Despite this statement, Kyle's story never met a conclusive end. It was going to be produced if possible (according to Rika Suzuki), but the chances are uncertain due to Cing's shutdown and Nintendo currently owning the character and the Kyle Hyde Saga as a whole.[4]
Hotel Dusk: Room 215[]
Last Window: The Secret of Cape West[]
Characters in Kyle Hyde Saga |
Major characters Major characters |