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Sidney Reagan
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"I can't leave it like this!"
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"The last thing I want is to cause any trouble for Mrs. Patrice. Now, was that everything you wanted to ask me about, Mr. Hyde? I do have a café to run, you know!"

Sidney Reagan is the owner of Lucky's Café. He is also Claire Reagan's father and a major character in Last Window: The Secret of Cape West.


To be written.


Sidney runs the Lucky’s Café in Cape West, he had previously worked at the restaurant of Cape West when it was still a hotel, from this, he met George Patrice, at some point, he met his wife and they would have Claire, however, she would later leave him, after he stood up for Margaret Patrice in the trial of the murder of George, this, mixed with the loan he received from Mrs. Patrice led his wife to believe he was cheating on her with Patrice, Sidney still wants to try again, but fears making the same mistakes he made, leaving a hopeful Claire wishing for the day that they would be a family again.

Last Window[]

To be written.



Characters in Kyle Hyde Saga

Major characters
Kyle HydeRachelDunning SmithRosa FoxLouis DeNonnoMila EvansMelissa WoodwardKevin WoodwardMartin SummerHelen ParkerIrisJeff Angel
Minor characters
Ed VincentBrian BradleyMilaDannyRobert EvansMary EvansGrace WoodwardAlan ParkerLarry DamonChris HydeJenny Smith

Major characters
Kyle HydeRachelMargaret PatriceTony WolfMarie RivetFrank RaverCharles JeunetBetty MeyerDylan FitcharWill WhiteSidney ReaganClaire ReaganRex Foster
Minor characters
Ed VincentJeanie HydeChris HydeGeorge PatriceMichael McGrathKathy McGrathPeter RivetMike PorterMila EvansRobert HarrisonHugh SpeckBrian BradleyEmily JeunetJack GreenGeorge Graham
